Construction Certificates

1. Overview

A construction certificate is defined under Part 4A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as a certificate to the effect that work is completed in accordance with specified plans and specifications.

A construction certificate certifies that the detailed construction plans and specifications for any development (being both subdivision or building work) comply with all the BCA (Building Code of Australia) requirements where appropriate and associated standard and codes. Construction certificates are issued upon approval of the building construction specifications.


2. Who can issue a construction certificate?

A construction certificate can be issued by either a consent authority or an accredited certifier. A consent authority can be a council or the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning.


3. When is a construction certificate required?

A construction certificate is required after development consent and before any works are carried out. It is usually required for engineering works, building work, construction works, and subdivision works. Building work means any physical activity involved in the erection of a building, including alterations and additions. This requirements is found in Section 81A of the Act. A construction certificate is not required for complying development, where building details are covered by the complying development certificate.


4. Should I employ a consultant to help me prepare a construction certificate?

Building and engineering design is specialised and complex. Council officers can provide guidance and advice on your proposal however detailed site investigations, research and complex technical advice is beyond the services provided by Council. You may consider employing a consultant who can assist in preparing your application. Please note that Council officers can not recommend consultants.


5. Lodging an application for a construction certificate

The process for lodging a construction certificate application with Snowy Monaro Regional Council changed in July 2021 under state direction to utilise the NSW Planning Portal, a digital platform used to lodge applications.

Hardcopy applications and documents emailed to Council are no longer accepted.

An application can be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal.



The fees for construction certificate are regulated by the State Government and vary depending on the type and cost of the development, please refer to Councils Schedule of Fees and Charges or call Council for a fee estimate.


6. What information is required with an application for a construction certificate?

The application form for the construction certificate contains a checklist for information to be submitted with the application.

7. Inspections during building construction

Council will list the inspections required during construction of the building as an attachment to the construction certificate. To have these inspections carried out by Council it will be necessary for you to complete an Service Agreement Form and pay the relevant fee to Council. Request for inspection of building work should be made in writing not less than 48 hours in advance. However, Council will accept telephone requests for inspection of building work up to Noon on the day before the inspection is required. Inspections will generally be carried out in the afternoon of the day requested.