Other Applications

1. Overview

Council is also responsible for the assessment of a range of other applications including, Subdivision Certificates, Strata Subdivision, Section 149 Planning Certificates and Outstanding Notice Certificates.

2. Subdivision Certificates

Authorises the registration of the plan of subdivision for the development.

3. Strata Subdivision

Strata subdivision is the subdivision of air space and is utilised in multistorey apartment buildings. It allows each purchaser to own a unit and a share in the common areas in the development.

4. Section 149 Planning Certificates

Planning certificates identify planning controls which affect the development of specific land parcels. There are two types of certificates available from Council. The first type (known as a Section 149 Part 2 Planning Certificate) is a mandatory inclusion in any contract for the sale of land in NSW. It includes information relating to:

1. Land use zones and any proposed changes to those zones

2. State and Regional Policies which could affect the land

3. Development Control Plans which apply to the land.

4. Whether the land is affected by road widening


The second type (known as a Section 149 Part 5 Planning Certificate) provides additional information relating to:

1. Development Applications that have been approved in the last five years.

2. Heritage items or heritage conservation areas

The information contained in a certificate changes when planning controls are varied by Council or the State Government. Consequently, the accuracy of a certificate can only be guaranteed for the day of issue. Please contact Council's Section 149 Coordinator for further information on 0264571209.

5. Outstanding Notice Certificates

Outstanding Notice/Order Certificates are combined certificates issued under Section 735A of the Local Government Act, 1993 and Section 121ZP of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. They identify whether there are any outstanding notices or orders issued by the Council under the Local Government Act 1993 in respect to the land to which the certificate applies.