Voluntary Planning Agreements
On 16 June 2022, Council adopted a policy that became effective as of 1 July 2022. This policy establishes a framework to guide the preparation of Planning Agreements entered into with Snowy Monaro Regional Council in a manner that is efficient, fair, transparent and accountable.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council Voluntary Planning Agreements and Land Dedication Policy(PDF, 752KB)
A planning agreement (also known as a voluntary planning agreement) is an offer by a developer to Council to dedicate land, make monetary contributions, or provide any other material public benefit, to be used for or applied toward a public purpose. A public purpose includes the provision of:
- a community facility;
- transport or other infrastructure relating to the development;
- the funding of recurrent expenditure relating to the provision of community facilities, affordable housing or transport or other infrastructure;
- the monitoring of the planning impacts of development; and
- the conservation or enhancement of the natural environment.
Planning agreements are entered into in relation to a development application or an amendment to the Local Environmental Plan.
In February 2021, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment released a Planning Note on Planning Agreements. The Practice Note provides detailed guidance on the negotiation, administration and making of planning agreements.
Register of Planning Agreements
A Planning Agreement is an agreement entered into by a planning authority (such as Snowy Monaro Regional Council) and a developer to enable a broad range of public benefits to be negotiated in relation to Planning Proposals and Development Applications.
Voluntary Planning Agreement - Tyrolean-Village(PDF, 6MB)
Completed Planning Agreement