Development on Heritage Item or Area

Heritage Impact Statements

A Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) is a document that sets out the impact that a development will have on the heritage values of an item (sometimes referred to as a place) or conservation area. It states:

  • why the item or area is of heritage significance,
  • what impact the proposed works will have on the item or area’s heritage significance,
  • what measures are proposed to mitigate negative impacts,
  • why more sympathetic solutions are not viable.


Fact Sheet - Heritage Impact Statement(PDF, 205KB)

Works of a Minor Nature

To reduce unnecessary or onerous obligations on owners of heritage property, clause 5.10(3) of the Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 2013 (LEP) identifies certain circumstances when development consent is not required for works undertaken on heritage items or within a heritage conservation area.

The Policy aims to identify ‘works of a minor nature’ and provide guidelines for the maintenance and repair of heritage items, and buildings within a heritage conservation area.

 Note: Before undertaking ANY works on a Heritage Item, it is recommended that you contact Council for advice.



The Office of Environment and Heritage - Heritage Division, in partnership with government agencies and Aboriginal people, has a role in protecting and promoting Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal culture and heritage environments of NSW.

The Office has a number of Resources/Publications available for public information.

Heritage Listing Explained - What it means for you

How to Carry out Work on Heritage Buildings & Sites