Economic Development considers the business, industry, employment and growth characteristics of a community and seeks to capitalise on these factors to build strong, vibrant and financially secure places to live, work and invest.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council is well placed to engage in economic development strategies with local communities due to the grassroots nature of local government. Council envisages the growth of our communities over time, with a focus on lifestyle factors that attract and retain residents. The region is positioning itself as a major commercial, retail, educational and services centre within South East NSW. Prominent industries include tourism, agriculture and forestry, manufacturing, construction and retail.
Thinking of starting a new business in the Snowy Monaro? Check out this video to see what the Snowy Monaro has to offer.
Economic Development Newsletter
Each quarter, Council sends out a newsletter to our contact list that has been developed using contact details associated with our local Australian Business Number (ABN registrations). Content in these newsletters can vary, but generally includes relevant Council project information and links to resources and information about the services available to support your business.
Check out the latest Economic Development Newsletter here.
Subscribe to the newsletter here