Centenary of Federation Monument
Description of Work
The Centenary of Federation Monument celebrates the coming together of six colonies to form the nation we currently know as Australia.
The Monument includes the Arch of Unity and a centenary walk which illustrates the region's historic journey and our shared path.
The Monument features 38 plaques which each tell a part of the region's story, from a Ngarigo Welcome through to the Centenary celebrations. Plaques feature historical highlights such as the opening of schools and legal services, the first railway line, the region's participation in wartime efforts, the immense Snowy Scheme, and more.
More information on the Centenary of Federation Monument can be found in this document.(PDF, 1MB) The document contains the information found on the introductory plaque, as well as a list of all plaques on the centenary walk. Please note that this document was created by the former Cooma-Monaro Shire Council and was correct at the time of creation.

Location of Art
Corner of Amos and Vale Sts, Cooma
Primary Materials
Steel, concrete and local stonework.