Our Structure

Chief Executive Officer

Stephen Dunshea - Supplied

Stephen Dunshea is Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s interim Chief Executive Officer, appointed to the role in November 2024.

An accomplished executive with over four decades of experience in local government, Mr Dunshea has held senior roles at some of New South Wales' largest councils. As CEO of Shoalhaven City Council, he successfully led the organisation through 14 natural disasters, including the devastating Currowan Fires, while implementing long-term growth strategies and securing significant funding for infrastructure and community projects.

His career has included senior executive positions at Woollahra, Wagga Wagga and Blacktown councils, where he has been recognised for his collaborative leadership style and focus on community outcomes. In these roles, he has demonstrated a strong track record of transforming councils to be more efficient and sustainable.

As the Council's transitional leader, Mr Dunshea is ensuring business continuity while councillors undertake a comprehensive recruitment process for a new permanent chief executive. He is committed to working with Council and the community to deliver positive outcomes for the Snowy Monaro.


Chief Strategy Officer

  • Administration
  • Asset Management
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Fleet Management
  • Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Internal Audit
  • ICT


Chief of Community Services

  • Built and Natural Environment
  • Civic Maintenance, Parks and Gardens
  • Community Services
  • Communications and Engagement 
  • Resources and Waste Services 

Chief of Infrastructure and Corporate Projects

  • Corporate Projects
  • Infrastructure
  • Water and Wastewater Operations

Chief Financial Officer

  • Financial Management
  • Financial Accounting


Chief Workforce Officer

  • Workforce Management Support