Know your weeds
The most important part of weed control is knowing your enemy. Learn to identify common weeds, including those which aren’t yet widespread in our area, and get unfamiliar plants identified if you suspect they may be weeds.
Some options for identifying the weeds on your property include:
- Ask us! Call 1300 345 345 to speak with one of our Biosecurity Officers, or email photos marked Attn: Biosecurity to To help us make a positive ID please ensure you take a clear photo of the whole plant as well as close-ups of leaves, flowers, and fruit or seed pods.
- Visit NSW DPI's WeedWise or download the free app to search by name if you already suspect what it is, or by characteristics such as flower colour and leaf shape.
- WeedScan is an exciting new weed identification resource recently developed by the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. Its AI model can identify priority weed species and provide links to management information, as well as record and report occurrences of priority weeds. WeedScan can be accessed via your browser or as a free app for smartphones.
- Download the Prohibited Matter(PDF, 1MB) and Weeds of the Monaro(PDF, 1MB) booklets, or pick up a free copy from your nearest Council office.
Local Priority Weeds
These species are not specifically regulated at a state or regional level as they are widespread, however they have significant impacts on agricultural and environmental assets in the Snowy Monaro region. Landholders should learn how to identify and manage these species using Integrated Weed Management to minimise their impacts on our local communities.

African lovegrass

Box elder

Ox-eye daisy

St John’s wort