Waste Facilities


1. Overview

  • ALL waste facilities are closed on public holidays.
  • Commercial waste materials will not be accepted after 4pm Monday to Friday


2. Landfills

Bombala Landfill

A 191 Bucky Springs Road, Bombala, NSW

P  Casey Skelton: 0439 066 601

Day Hours 
Monday  10am to 4pm
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday  CLOSED
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 10am to 4pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
Sunday 10am to 4pm 


Cooma Landfill

A  8448 Monaro Highway, Cooma
P 02 6452 1105

Day  Hours
Monday  9.30am to 4.30pm
Tuesday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Wednesday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Thursday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Friday  9.30am to 4.30pm
Saturday  1pm to 5pm
Sunday 11am to 5pm 
Jindabyne Landfill

A 6013 Kosciuszko Road, Jindabyne
02 6457 1064
0428 411 045 


Day Hours
Monday  9.30am to 4.30pm
Tuesday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Wednesday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Thursday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm
Saturday 10am to 3pm
Sunday 10am to 3pm




3. Transfer Stations

Adaminaby Transfer Station

Old Adaminaby Road, Adaminaby

0428 411 045  

Day Hours
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday CLOSED
Thursday CLOSED
Saturday 10am to 3pm


Berridale Transfer Station

160 Bobundara Road, Berridale

0428 411 045  

Day Hours
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday CLOSED
Thursday CLOSED
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 10am to 3pm


Bredbo Transfer Station

3221 Monaro Highway, Bredbo

0419 760 285  

Day Hours
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday CLOSED
Thursday CLOSED
Friday 10am to 12noon
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 10am to 1pm


Delegate Transfer Station

Delegate Road, Delegate

P 0439 066 601  

Day Hours
Tuesday 9am to 12pm
Wednesday CLOSED
Thursday CLOSED
Saturday 9am to 12.30pm


Nimmitabel Transfer Station

52 Warregal Road, Nimmitabel

02 6454 6072

M 0419 760 285  

Day Hours
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 9am to 12noon
Thursday CLOSED
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 11am to 3pm


Numeralla Transfer Station

2086 Numeralla Road, Numeralla

02 6453 3072

M 0419 760 285

Day Hours
Monday 8am to 10am
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday CLOSED
Thursday CLOSED
Saturday 9am to 1pm



4. ScrapMart Buyback Facilities 

Our ScrapMart buyback facilities reduce the amount of material going to landfill in our region each year, saving locals tipping fees or a drive to the Canberra Revolve Facility.

This program focuses on recycling and reusing materials, and offers scrap items for sale. Items are repaired if required, and in some cases are suitable for spare parts. 


If your items are in a good but used condition, we will waive the tip fees and stock these items to resell to the public.

You can drop off your second hand goods ANYTIME during the week at the Cooma, Jindabyne, and Bombala landfills during opening hours. These buyback facilities are the perfect place to drop off good quality items that are no longer needed.

All facilities accept preloved, working electrical items. These items will be available for sale through the ScrapMart once relevant electrical testing has occurred.

Don't dump it. Recycle it and give it a second chance at ScrapMart!

 Jindabyne Landfill Cooma Landfill  Bombala Landfill 

A 6013 Kosciuszko Road, Jindabyne

P 02 6457 1064

M 0428 411 045

Opening hours

Sunday 10am to 3pm

A 8448 Monaro Highway, Cooma

02 6452 1105

Opening hours 

Thursday & Friday 9.30am to 1.30pm

Saturday 1pm to 5pm

A 191 Bucky Springs Road, Bombala

M 0439 066 601

Opening hours

Saturdays 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Sundays 11am to 3.30pm


5. Pay as you Go

Residents who dispose of their domestic waste at any of Council's waste facilities will pay the appropriate fees and charges for the waste they dispose of. 

Domestic recyclables are those which are generated in the day to day running of a household. 

Fee and charges will apply for commercial recycling quantities.

Waste Facilities Waste Disposal Fees and Charges


Commercial accounts - Landfills only

Commercial accounts can be arranged and used at Council's Landfills by contacting any Council office.

Please download, print and complete the Account at Council Resource and Waste Facilities application form(PDF, 117KB) and return to Council by email, in person at any Council offices, or via post.

Commercial waste materials will not be accepted after 4pm (Monday - Friday) at the Cooma or Jindabyne Landfills.

6. What is accepted at waste facilities?


Accepted at all waste facilities.

Recyclable materials include paper, cardboard, plastic and glass containers, aluminium cans, steel cans, waste oil and scrap metal.

Commercial quantities are accepted at all waste facilities incurring a charge. Large quantities are NOT accepted at transfer stations.


Can only be accepted at Jindabyne (small amounts only) and Cooma landfills by arrangement only, as our workers need to prepare their safety gear and advise on loads. Your cooperation is appreciated.


Accepted at ALL facilities.

Domestic quantities are charged at rates of $84.00/tonne or $23/m3

Commercial quantities are charged at rates of $86.00/tonne or $24/m3


Accepted at ALL waste facilities.

The local e-waste stewardship program has ceased in our region, so regrettably we have had to impose a charge for e-waste disposal at all facilities. Transfer stations have a $10.00 per item transport and handling fee. Landfills have a $10.00 per item transport fee.

This fee covers some of the transportation costs to ensure the e-waste is taken to a recycling centre and not going to landfill.

Commercial quantities are accepted at $10.00 per item.


Separated building waste can be disposed of at Council landfills for cheaper rates, or even FREE.

What building waste can be reprocessed and recycled?

  • Clean cardboard from all new appliances, furniture and fittings 
  • Bricks, tiles, concrete and rubble
  • Glass or plastic bottles, paper, cans, including empty/dry paint tins
  • Doors, windows, cabinets, sinks, and other appliances that are in good working order
  • Structural steel and other metal materials including old appliances. (Fridges that are not degassed will incur a disposal charge)
  • Timber
  • Green waste
  • Clean soil