Teddy Bear Sleepover - Bombala Library

Julia and teddies for Bombala Poster.jpg

The Teddy Bear Sleepover is coming to our Bombala Library!

Bring your favourite teddy bear or soft toy and join us for stories and a teddy bear sleepover.

The teddies are having a top-secret meeting with our Library staff, wonder what they will get up to?

Drop off between 4pm - 5pm Thursday 2 June 2022

Pick up between 4pm - 5pm Friday 3 June 2022

You will receive a gift bag including a photo book of their adventures.

Please book as places are limited

P (02) 6458 3196

E libraries@smrc.nsw.gov.au



  • Thursday, 02 June 2022 | 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM


Bombala Library, 163 Maybe Street, Bombala, 2632, View Map

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