August 2022 Council Meeting summary
Published on 19 August 2022
Yesterday afternoon was Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s August Ordinary Council Meeting, held in Cooma.
Some of the key points from yesterday were:
- Agreed to contact Local Land Services for the appointment of a local African Lovegrass Coordinator
- The development application to demolish and replace the old plant (equipment) and store rooms at Jindabyne Pool was passed unanimously
- A scoping study into water safety in our region's villages was passed unanimously. This outlines what improvements need to be made into the future to guarantee safe drinking water for our smaller communities, especially as they continue to grow. With this study complete and approved Council can now seek external funding grants to undertake the works identified.
- $7,875,612.22 in funding under the NSW Government's Fixing Country Bridges Round 2A was accepted, with the Operational and Delivery Plans amended to include the replacement of the funded bridges.
- Councillors voted to seek funding for at least six major projects under the NSW Government's Stronger Country Communities Fund - Round 5.
- Land acquisition and access construction for the new RFS Emergency Operations Centre in Cooma was approved.
- A motion to fund Councillor, Mayor and CEO attendance at the 2022 Local Government NSW Annual Conference did not pass.
- Councillors Hopkins and Johnson along with the chair of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee were appointed to the Financial Sustainability Review Advisory Group.
There were two presentations in the public forum session from:
- Snowy Monaro Regional Youth Council - Monthly Youth Council Update
- Sheree Bennett – Barry Way resident re concerns due to entrance to property/access.
SNOWY MONARO REGIONAL council MEETING - 18 august 2022
Matters dealt with by exception:
7.1 Adoption of minutes from Ordinary Council Meeting held on 21 July 2022
9.1.2 Adoption of minutes - Community Services Advisory Committee 27 June 2022
9.3.3 Minutes of the Snowy Monaro Region Biosecurity (Weeds) Advisory Committee meeting held 19 May 2022.
That Council:
A. Receive and note the information in the report on the minutes of the Snowy Monaro Region Biosecurity (Weeds) Advisory Committee meeting held 19 May 2022.
B. Write to the Local Land Services’ Chair on behalf of the Committee seeking the appointment of an African lovegrass Coordinator to be based out of the Cooma Local Land Services office specifically to progress the African lovegrass strategy within the Snowy Monaro region.
C. On behalf of the Committee, invite local member, Nichole Overall to the next Biosecurity Advisory Committee meeting, or to an extraordinary meeting on a date that suits Ms Overall, to present the African lovegrass strategy, proposed solutions and funding requirements.
Matters discussed in the Council meeting with resolutions noted:
8.1 Development Application - 10.2022.294.1 - Demolition and construction of new plant and store room Jindabyne Pool:
That pursuant to section 4.16(1)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (as amended) Council grants consent to DA 10.2022.294.1 for Demolition of existing plant and store rooms and construction of new plant and store room (Jindabyne pool) on Lot 11 DP 866943, 3 Snowy River Avenue Jindabyne, with conditions of consent attached to this report.
Moved Cr Frolich, seconded Cr Summers. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.1 Lease of Bombala Saleyard
That Council:
- Approves proceeding to lease the Bombala saleyards; and
- A report come back to the Council prior to the lease being entered into.
Moved Cr Stewart, seconded Cr Frolich. PASSED – UNANIMOUS (new part B).
9.1.3 Update to Community Services Advisory Committee Charter
That Council approve the updated Community Services Advisory Committee charter.
Moved Cr Hopkins, seconded Cr Johnson. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.2.1 Monthly Funds Management Report - July 2022
That Council:
A. Receive the report indicating Council’s cash and investments position as at 31 July 2022; and
B. Receive the certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer.
Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Hanna. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.3.1 Snowy Monaro Villages Water Safety Scoping Study Findings
That Council
A. Place a copy of the Snowy Monaro Villages Water Safety Scoping Study (attachment A) on its website.
B. Develop a revised long term financial plan that incorporates the lifecycle costs of implementing the improved water quality recommendations and the impacts on the residents, to assist in consulting with the community on the findings of the report.
Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Beer. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.3.2 Fixing Country Bridges Round 2A acceptance of funding
That Council:
A. Accept the funding amount of $7,875,612.66 under the NSW Government Fixing Country Bridges Program Round 2A;
B. Allocate $2 million to the 2022/23 budget and the remainder to the 2023/2024 budget; and
C. Add the replacement of the following bridges to the capital works program within Council’s 2022-2026 Delivery Program and 2022-2023 Operational Plan: Cambalong bridge, Cambalong road Palarang; Cambalong 2 bridge, Cambalong road Cambalong; Darbys Gully bridge, Old Bombala road, Nimmitabel; Black Flat bridge, Black Flat road, Williamsdale.
Moved Cr Stewart, seconded Cr Hopkins. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.4.1 Stronger Country Communities Fund - Round 5
That Council:
A. The following project list be the priority listing for the application for the Stronger Country Communities Fund:
(a) Bombala swimming pool accessibility upgrades
(b) Bombala Showground electricity upgrades
(c) Cooma Showground electricity upgrades
(d) Street beautifications – Berridale
(e) Nimmitabel Showground accessibility upgrades
(f) Aitchison’s cottage restoration
B. Following further investigation projects up to a value of approximately $2million be included in the application where reasonable scope and costs can be determined.
Moved Cr Stewart, seconded Cr Hanna. PASSED – Cr Frolich against.
9.4.2 Construction of NSW Rural Fire Service Emergency Operations Centre in Cooma - Land Acquisition and Access Construction
That Council:
A. Enter into an agreement with Snowy Hydro Limited (SHL) to enable progression of the future construction of an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) on the land adjacent to Council’s current holding of Lot 1 DP 832813; the key agreement elements being:
i) Council to secure the land required to achieve legal & practical access to the intended EOC location via Geebung Street COOMA, through subdivision (boundary adjustment) by negotiation with the neighbouring landholder (Lot 2 DP 832813); legal & practical access to the intended EOC location via Geebung Street COOMA, through subdivision (boundary adjustment) by negotiation with the neighbouring landholder (Lot 2 DP 832813);
ii) Council to construct suitable access road segment through to the intended SHL boundary, enabling access to both the future EOC site and reaching the boundary of SHL’s residual landholding (indicative access path as per the report image);
iii) Council to action the development approval process in relation to the specified access road segment;
iv) SHL to transfer to Council approximately 2 hectares of land (part of SHL owned Lot 14 DP 250029) upon completion of the access road segment referred to in A ii).
B. Proceed with the subdivision (boundary adjustment) actions as necessary in order to deliver the new access road segment as identified in A ii);
C. Classify any land acquired, for both the new public access road segment and the intended gifted transfer from SHL of 2 Ha of land (part of Lot 14 DP 250029) related to the EOC construction in the Polo Flat area of Cooma, as operational land in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993;
D. Add the construction of the new access road segment for the EOC in Polo Flat area of Cooma to the capital works program within Council’s 2022-2026 Delivery Program and 2022-2023 Operational Plan;
E. Assign a budget of $500,000 (capital project), with understanding that revenue from the intended land sale of Stage 3D Leesville Industrial Estate will provide the corresponding cost offset (linkage to Resolution 154/21 activities);
F. Note that the other costs associated with the development and construction of the EOC will be borne by the NSW Rural Fire Service.
Moved Cr Beer, seconded Cr Summers. PASSED – Cr Frolich against.
9.4.3 Organisational Performance Report - July 2022
That Council remove the Smiths Road upgrade project from the Capital Works Program from the Operational Plan 2022-2023 until such time external funding is successfully received by Council.
Moved Cr Higgins, seconded Cr Stewart. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.4.4 Policy: Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities for Mayors and Councillors
That Council adopt the policy Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities for Mayors and Councillors.
Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Johnson. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.4.5 Resolution Action Sheet Update
That Council receive the resolution update for the period ending July 2022.
Moved Cr Hanna, seconded Cr Hopkins. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
9.4.6 Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2022
That Council:
A. Authorise the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to attend the Local Government NSW Annual Conference to be held on 23 – 25 October 2022.
B. Nominate and authorise 2 x Councillors as remaining voting members.
C. Authorise the expenditure of approximately $6000 from the existing elected members’ budget.
D. Councillors submit any strategic motions that impact the broader local government sector to the Chief Executive Officer.
Amendment moved by Cr Stewart, seconded Cr Johnson.
PASSED – against Cr Summers, Higgins, Beer.
Further amendment – from Cr Summers. No-one seconded this.
FINAL RESOLUTION ABOVE: No resolution was passed, the motion was LOST.
9.4.7 Financial Sustainability Review Advisory Group
That Council:
A. Appoint Councillor _Hopkins_ and Councillor _Johnson_ to the Financial Sustainability Review Advisory Group
B. Invite the Chair of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee to join the Financial Sustainability Review Advisory Group, or to nominate an alternate independent member.
Moved Cr Beer, seconded Cr Stewart. PASSED – Cr Frolich against.
9.4.8 Monthly Budget Review Statement (MBRS) to 31 July 2022
That the Budget Review Statement for the month ended 31 July 2022 be received and the variations noted therein be approved.
Moved Cr Hopkins, seconded Cr Hanna. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.
12.1 Answers to Questions with Notice
That Council receive the answers to questions with notice for the period ending July 2022.
Moved Cr Hanna, seconded Cr Johnson. PASSED – UNANIMOUS.