Don’t miss out! Consultations closing for feedback next week

Published on 17 February 2023

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Council urges residents and ratepayers to take the opportunity to have their say on two critically important consultations that are set to close next week on Your Say Snowy Monaro – draft Land Use Strategies and Local Environment Plan, and draft Development Servicing Plans.

Draft Land Use Strategies and Local Environment Plan

Snowy Monaro Regional Council needs to harmonise, review and update the current Bombala, Cooma-Monaro and Snowy River Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) into one comprehensive plan covering the whole Snowy Monaro Local Government Area.

They are out of date and no longer meeting the needs of our changing community.

The Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 (LSPS) made clear the Snowy Monaro needs revised plans. Once approved, these draft documents will update and unify development and development planning in our region.

Once finalised and approved by the NSW Government, the new LEP will serve as the set of rules that control all development in the Snowy Monaro region.

Following extensive consultation in 2020 and 2021, Snowy Monaro Regional Council reviewed the feedback from our community in detail. As a result, our teams then re-drafted these important strategic documents and planning instruments based on the feedback received, Council direction, legislation and government policy.

These planning documents are drafts. What we hear from you in this next round of consultation and engagement will meaningfully inform and shape what the final versions of these documents look like.


Draft Development Servicing Plans

Our draft Development Servicing Plans, which seek to update and unify the charges property developers contribute towards the infrastructure that serves their developments.

The development or redevelopment of land requires additional capacity in water supply and sewerage systems. Developer charges are levied up-front to recover part of the infrastructure costs incurred in servicing these developments.

If costs are not received through the development process, then costs would have to be recovered through an increase in the annual fees and charges paid by users of the system.


Don’t miss out! Have your say today:


Consultation on the draft Land Use Strategies and Local Environment Plan closes 11.59pm Monday 20 February 2023. Consultation on the draft Development Servicing Plans closes 11.59pm Wednesday 22 February 2023.


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