Expressions of interest: Bombala Racecourse Grazing Licence

Published on 24 October 2023

Map Indicative - BombalaRaceCourseGrazingArea_V1.jpg

Council seeks expressions of interest (EOI) to undertake grazing of cattle within specified areas of Bombala Racecourse (R530040) and Part Bombala Racecourse Reserve (R91277). These Crown Reserves consist of Lot 1 DP 884132 and Lot 7306 DP 1151936, with Delegate Road running through the southern section of both Lots.

A Crown Land Manager’s Short-term Licence will be issued for a maximum period of twelve (12) months, with grazing limited to a three (3) to six (6) month period, subject to ongoing review.

Requirements & general information

  • Cattle only. Maximum 25 head of cattle. Dry cattle, no calving cows or cows with calves at foot.
  • Obligations under the Biosecurity Act 2015 No 24 for control of noxious weeds and animals.
  • Stock to be quarantined for five (5) days (yarded or kept in clean area) to prevent weeds.
  • Ensure steps are taken that stock brought to the site are free of disease.
  • Maintenance and repair of fencing.
  • Refer to attached diagram for the licence area available, which is approximately 139ha. Zones excluded are the racecourse and buildings, Platypus Reserve and the former quartz pit site.
  • Licence term twelve (12) months with grazing limited to three3 () to six (6) months annually. Council will offer guidance and monitor conditions throughout the agreed grazing period.
  • Indicative licence fee is $1625 - $3250 per annum (exclusive o Gf ST) - equating to approximately $5.00 per head per week. Rent payable in advance; with CPI indexation applied per annum.
  • Improvement of pasture is not allowed, e.g. no sewing of other species, no fertilisers, etc.
  • Council reserves the right to terminate the occupancy in the instance of unacceptable damage to pasture or infrastructure, or if the conditions are not met.
  • Further details available to interested parties upon submission of EOI.

Contact Council’s Land and Property Team for details on 1300 345 345.

Submissions close 5pm Tuesday 31 October 2023.

Correspondence should be marked with: EOI Bombala Racecourse 2023

EOI submissions accepted by email, post, or in-person.


POST: PO Box 714, Cooma NSW 2630

IN-PERSON: Over the counter at any Council office.

Map Indicative - BombalaRaceCourseGrazingArea_V1.jpg

While due care has been taken by the publisher in compiling this map, no responsibility will be accepted by Snowy Monaro Regional Council for errors or omissions. The publisher, to the full extent permitted by law, excludes all warranties or disclaims any responsibility to any person for loss or damage suffered from any use of this map. Map data © NSW Department of Customer Service 2023.

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