Interruption to water supply: Giwang St and Geringa Ave, Cooma

Published on 07 August 2023

Water Mains Replacement

Water supply in Giwang St and Geringa Ave will be disconnected from 9am to 3.30pm on Wednesday 9 August for the connection of a new water main, weather permitting.

Where:          Giwang St and Geringa Ave, Cooma

Date:              Wednesday 9 August 2023

Time:             9.00am – 3.30pm

Purpose:       New water main connection


Action for residents post work:

Council aims to ensure the clarity of the water supply, but water may be turbid or cloudy after supply has resumed. As a precaution, Council recommends running an outside tap for a few minutes to clear air or turbid water from household plumbing.

Thank you for your patience while Council completes this necessary work.

Contact: Jason Thompson, Relief Water Supply Supervisor

Phone: 0417 278 056

Or contact our Water and Wastewater Department on 1300 345 345 with any questions or email



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