Shape Council’s new Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Published on 12 October 2023
Council needs your help to create our new 2023-2027 Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). This plan will set out what Council needs to do to make our organisation and our region welcoming and accessible for everyone in our community.
Consultation opened yesterday, Wednesday 11 October. Community feedback from these surveys, focus groups, and workshops will be the major factor that shapes the priorities included in the draft plan.
We want to hear from people living with disability, their carers, close relatives, and the wider community. Take a few moments to share your experiences and ideas on how we can improve access, inclusion, and employment opportunities for people living with a disability in the Snowy Monaro. What you tell us will make a difference.
All local governments in NSW are required to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) under the NSW Government’s Disability Inclusion Act 2014.
The survey is open now until Wednesday 1 November. Have your say today, visit – an easy-read version of the survey is available.
Council is holding two online focus groups, where participants will engage with our staff and expert consultants in an open and collaborative discussion about inclusion and accessibility in the Snowy Monaro. More information and the link to register your interest is available at the Your Say page linked above.
There are over 1,000 people living with a disability and over 2,000 people providing unpaid assistance across our region.
Cognitive or physical difference should not mean a difference in access, opportunity, inclusiveness, or quality of life. With your help and participation in this consultation, we will learn what we need to do so that everyone in the Snowy Monaro gets a fair go.
Council recognises that there is much more to be done to improve inclusivity and accessibility in our region. Another focus of this project is a review of our previous DIAP and our progress towards achieving its goals.
Visit to learn more, complete the survey, or register for the focus groups.
For assistance or further information, contact us at or call 1300 345 345.