Significant roadworks in Jindabyne from November
Published on 31 October 2022
Council is today announcing a significant program of roadworks in and around Jindabyne scheduled to commence from November 2022 and running through March 2023, weather dependent. Regular updates will be provided on any delays or changes.
Barry Way, Jindabyne
Council is assessing tender applications for works on Barry Way, Jindabyne between the intersections with Jillamatong Street and The Snowy River Way. This work is funded through a combination of NSW Government Grant programs:
- Safer Roads – 2.1km between Jillamatong Street and Bungarra Lane
- Black Spot – 1.2km between Bungarra Lane and The Snowy River Way

These works will primarily address shoulder widening and drainage improvements, with additional safety improvements including safety barriers, road realignment, road reconfiguration and traffic control devices. Our current project timeline is November 2022 to March 2023, and we will advise of any delays or changes.
Lee Avenue, Leesville Estate, Jindabyne
This project includes drainage improvement works on Lee Avenue, plus extension and improvement of industrial park kerbs and drainage to intersect with Barry Way. Funding for the drainage improvement is from the Local Government Recovery Grants Program. We are seeking more funding through the NSW Government Fixing Local Road Pot Hole Repair Program to allow further restoration of road defects throughout Leesville.
Construction is expected to commence before the end of 2022 but weather conditions may push this back to early 2023. We are aware of the effects on transport from Leesville Estate and regular users of Barry Way if proposed works on Barry Way and Lee Avenue coincide, so regular updates will be provided. See map over page for location.

The Snowy River Way, Jindabyne
Jennings Civil Group will undertake heavy patching work across 3500m2 of The Snowy River Way. This work is in addition to the 4000m2 of work completed in October 2022 and is part of Council’s commitment to improve conditions along The Snowy River Way.
Work is scheduled from early November 2022, weather permitting, and includes:
- Area of approx. 2,016m2 of road between Frost Creek Lane and McGuffickes Road
- Area of approx. 650m2 of road around the intersection with Glen Miln Lane
- Area of approx.. 700m2 of road near the intersection with Old Settlers Road

These works are funded through the Local Government Recovery Grants Program.
For more information on roads and road maintenance in the Snowy Monaro, please visit