Snowy Monaro Bin Survey – what’s in your bin?

Published on 04 May 2022

Green, red and yellow lidded bins in front of house

Throughout May 2022, surveys will be conducted of Snowy Monaro Regional Council’s residential bin contents that are presented for collection. That means any of your bins – red, yellow or green – as they are.

We are lifting the lids to see how our region is going with their waste disposal via bins and how we can help address any issues that in turn help our region’s environment, reduce costs and increase efficiencies.

The results of this survey will assist with further enhancements to waste services such as bin systems, programs and educational campaigns to increase recycling and reduce waste to landfill.

The surveying of randomly selected household bins will include:

  • A visual survey of bins presented, such as how full it is and the condition of the bins
  • Collection of bin contents from the kerbside on the normal waste collection day
  • Sorting of bin contents at a waste facility into categories for weighing
  • Disposal or recycling as usual

If selected, collection will take place from the kerbside on your normal bin collection day. No additional action is requested from residents.

Households will not be notified individually as to which bins will be assessed, to avoid changing residents’ waste segregation and disposal behaviours. We want to assess your bins as they are normally put out.

Conditions of the project prohibit reporting of any specific details related to any individual household or personal information. The information collected is analysed and reported in an aggregated form to assist with waste management and education by Council.

If you have any concerns regarding the survey please contact our Resource and Waste Department 1300 345 345 or  


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