Speed zone change on Kosciuszko Road at East Jindabyne
Published on 29 May 2023
The following media release has been provided by Transport for NSW:
A speed zone reduction will be introduced along Kosciuszko Road at East Jindabyne next month to improve safety for all motorists in time for the busy snow season.
A Transport for NSW spokesperson said the speed limit on Kosciuszko Road will be reduced from 100 km/h to 80 km/h from Rainbow Drive to just north of the East Jindabyne service station.
“Transport for NSW carried out a speed zone review of Kosciuszko Road at East Jindabyne in response to concerns raised by the local community, police and Snowy Monaro Regional Council,” the spokesperson said.
“We found that extending existing 80 km/h zone on Kosciuszko Road for an additional three kilometres was appropriate for the road environment and increased traffic numbers. It will provide safer journeys for all road users.
“The reduced speed limit will make it safer and easier for motorists to join Kosciuszko Road at the Jerrara Drive and Rainbow Drive intersections, particularly during peak traffic in the snow season.
“The review also found the reduction in speed will support the residential and commercial growth in East Jindabyne.”
Locations for a speed zone reduction are assessed individually in accordance with the NSW Speed Zoning Guidelines. This is a comprehensive process that includes site inspections, reviewing traffic counts and crash history.
The new speed zone will come into effect on Thursday 8 June, weather permitting.
Message boards will be onsite two weeks before and one week following the speed zone reduction.
Motorists are reminded to drive to the signposted speed limit at all times.
Members of the community can sign up to receive the latest updates on permanent speed limits changes in their nominated area and to have their say on speed limits.
For more information visit www.saferroadsnsw.com.au.