Summary of April 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, Thursday 20 April 2023

Published on 21 April 2023

Jindabyne Hall.jpg

The April Ordinary Meeting of Snowy Monaro Regional Council was held Thursday 20 April 2023 in Jindabyne.

Our region was privileged to welcome two new Australian citizens at an official citizenship ceremony prior to commencement of the meeting.

There were two speakers at the public forum, with Graeme Dennis speaking to developments on Westons Road, and Olivier Kapetanakos providing councillors with feedback from the most recent Snowy Monaro Residents and Ratepayers Association Meeting.


The following motions were passed unanimously by exception in the pre-meeting briefing session:

  • 7.1 – [Adoption of minutes from] Ordinary Council Meeting held on 16 March 2023.
  • 9.1.1 – Old Adaminaby 'Rainbow Pines' Caravan Park - Lots 376-378 DP 821745 - Assignment of Lease
    • That Council approve to proceed with the assignment of lease over Crown Reserve 130067 and Crown Reserve 130068, being Lots 376-378 DP 821745 (Old Adaminaby ‘Rainbow Pines’ Caravan Park), to Michael Mustafa Pty Limited – ABN 95 080 246 055 / ACN 080 246 055.
  • 9.2.1 – Monthly Funds Management Report - March 2023
    • That Council
      Receive the report indicating Council’s cash and investments position as at 31 March 2023; and
      Receive the certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer.
  • 9.3.2 – Three Rivers Estate - Alternate Road Naming Proposal
    • That Council endorse the proposed road names Constellation Drive, Orion Close, Canis Close and Crux Circle to:
      A.     be publicly advertised for a period of 28 days.
      B.     go to the Geographical Names Board for pre-approval.
  • 9.3.3 – Finalisation of Snowy Monaro Development Servicing Plan
    • That Council adopt the Snowy Monaro Development Servicing Plan.
  • 9.4.1 – Polo Flat Master Plan and Industry Study
    • That Council
      A. Accept the funding amount of $227,272.68 (ex GST) under the NSW Government’s Business Case and Strategy Fund; and
      B.  Allocate $60,000 to the 2022/23 budget and the remaining $167,272.68 to the 2023/24 budget.
  • 9.5.1 –  Organisation Structure Review
    • That Council, noting the pending commencement of the Towards Excellence project, which incorporates the recommendations from the Financial Sustainability Review, the Office of Local Government and various service reviews, retain the current structure and areas of responsibility.
  • 9.5.2 – Resolution Action Sheet Updates
    • That Council note the resolution action updates.
  • 9.5.3 – Answers to Questions with Notice
    • That Council note the answers to questions with notice.
  • 10.1 – Minutes from Management and Advisory Committees
    • That Council receive the minutes of the:
      i.          Bombala Exhibition Ground Management Committee meeting held 8 February 2023
      ii.         Cooma North Ridge Reserve Advisory Committee meeting held 22 February 2023
      iii.        Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting held 14 November 2022
  • 10.2 – Minutes from Youth Council Meetings
    • That Council note the Youth Council meeting minutes as attached.
  • 10.3 – Minutes of January 2023 Local Traffic Committee
    • That Council adopt the following recommendations:
      6.3          Ride for Country Kids Alpine Tour - 12 to 14 March 2023
      6.4          Delegate Anzac

      from the Local Traffic Committee held on 24 January 2023.

  • 10.4 – Minutes of February 2023 Local Traffic Committee
    • That Council adopt the following recommendations:
      6.1          Berridale Anzac Service
      6.2          Jindabyne Anzac Day March
      6.3          Cooma Anzac Day March
      6.4          Nimmitabel Anzac Day March
      6.5          Berridale PO Loading Zone Request
      6.6          Adaminaby Easter Fair
      from the Local Traffic Committee held on 28 February 2023.
  • 14.1 – Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC
    • That Council note the information in the Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC report.


The following matters were considered during the meeting:

8.1 – Development Application 10.2020.90.4 - 4.55(1A) Modification to Drainage Design (Stage 2), Modification to External Openings (Stage 3)

That pursuant to section 4.55(1A) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (as amended) Council grants consent for DA 10.2020.90.4 for the Modification to Drainage Design (Stage 2), Modified External Openings - Additional Three Windows (Stage 3), on Lot 11 Section 8 DP 758346 subject to the modified conditions of consent attached to this report.

The motion was moved by Cr Hanna and seconded by Cr Summers.

There were no speakers for or against the motion, and it was then passed by unanimous vote.


9.3.1 – Organisational Performance Report - March 2023


  1. Council note the progress outlined in the report.
  2. All Jindabyne town centre improvement projects in the 2022-2023 Operational Plan (OP) and known as OP Action Titles:

    i. PROJECT: Jindabyne Town Centre Upgrades

    ii. PROJECT: Jindabyne Town Centre Toilet Block Demolition

    iii. PROJECT: Jindabyne Town Centre Toilet Block

    iv. PROJECT: Jindabyne Town Centre Improvements

    be consolidated into one project to be identified as the ‘Jindabyne Town Centre Upgrades’, and deferred to the 2023-24 Operational Plan.

  3. Council amend the 2022/2023 OP Action Project: Fixing Local Roads Round 2 - Upgrade of Avonside Road to reduce the scope of the project by sealing 6.1km of road instead of 8km, and to be completed within the 2023/2024 Operational Plan financial year.

The motion was moved by Cr Summers and seconded by Cr Hanna.

Following remarks by Cr Frolich expressing concern about these changes, it was clarified by senior staff that delays to projects in the Jindabyne Town Centre were due to detailed designs for the Special Activation Precinct (SAP) – which are currently being drafted by the NSW Government.

A significant portion of this transformational State Government project focuses on overhauling the Jindabyne Town Centre, and Council cannot move forward on its own projects in this area until detailed SAP plans are complete and made available.

In her right of reply, Cr Summers stated her belief that combining these projects together will lead to a better outcome, and that it is necessary to wait for the SAP plans before design and construction can commence.

The motion passed, with Crs Frolich, Johnson and Williamson voting against.


The following was considered during the meeting’s confidential section:

14.2 Consideration of the reappointment of the CEO

That Council

  1. Offer Peter Bascomb a two-year contract as Chief Executive Officer (Performing the role of General Manager) commencing 18 November 2023 with a two year term.
  2. Set the total remuneration package at the same amount as if the existing contract was to have continued.

The motion was moved by Cr Higgins and seconded by Cr Beer.

Mayor Narelle Davis praised the transformational work and exceptional leadership Mr Bascomb has achieved during his tenure, and continued by stating that councillors believed in order to best build on the work put in place by the current CEO, Council needs to go to market to find the organisation’s next leader.

The motion was LOST, with Crs Frolich, Hanna, Hopkins, Johnson, Stewart and Williamson voting against.


14.2 Foreshadowed Motion

That Council

  1. Support the current CEO to the conclusion of his contract; and
  2. Commence the process of recruitment of a new Chief Executive Officer (Performing the role of General Manager)

The motion was moved by Cr Hanna and seconded by Cr Hopkins.

The motion carried, with Crs Beer, Higgins and Summers voting against.


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