Summary of Extraordinary Council Meeting Thursday 1 June 2023
Published on 02 June 2023
Councillors met in Cooma yesterday evening for an Extraordinary Council Meeting.
Councillor Peter Beer had a leave of absence. Councillors Frolich and Hopkins attended by video link.
The following matter was considered during the meeting:
6.1.1 Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) to 31 March 2023
That Council receive the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the quarter ended 31 March 2023 and approve the variations noted therein.
Moved: Cr Stewart; Seconded: Cr Summers
Neither Cr Stewart nor Cr Summers spoke to the motion.
Cr Williamson raised concerns about two factual errors that he purported were found within the QBRS, and proposed an amendment to the motion to correct these.
While Cr Stewart was not necessarily opposed to the amendment, he suggested that the explanation councillors had received from the Chief Financial Officer sufficiently addressed Cr Williamson’s concerns.
After Cr Williamson spoke against the motion as it stood, the motion was put and passed – Cr Williamson and Cr Frolich voted against.
The meeting was then closed.