Summary of Extraordinary Council Meeting: Thursday 24 November 2022

Published on 25 November 2022

Cooma Council Chambers.jpg

Presentations were made by two members of the public:

  1. Mick Newman – 8.2.1 Financial Sustainability Review
  2. Andrew Thaler – Special Rate Variation


Discussed at the meeting were:


8.1 Finance

8.1.1      2022 Financial Statements to be signed


That Council

A. Authorise the Mayor and a Deputy Mayor to sign the Statement by Councillors and Management for the Snowy Monaro Regional Council 2022 General Purpose Financial Statements

B. Authorise the Mayor and a Deputy Mayor to sign the Statement by Councillors and Management for the Snowy Monaro Regional Council 2022 Special Purpose Financial Statements for the following business activities: · Water Supply · Sewerage · Waste Management · Residential Aged Care

Moved Cr Mitchell, seconded Cr Summers

Passed: against were Cr Stewart, Williamson, Frolich


8.2 Executive Office

8.2.1      Financial Sustainability Review


That Council

  1. Adopt the following policy positions:
  1. That no new or increased services or infrastructure be taken on without a full business case being in place that includes at a minimum:
    1. A comprehensive assessment of the benefits of the proposal
    2. Assessment of the capacity of the organisation to provide and manage the service and associated assets
    3. A full assessment of the lifecycle costs of the service or asset
    4. Identified guaranteed funding for the full lifecycle costs
  2. That where possible Council’s budget be developed on an activity-based approach
  3. Council should budget for and maintain an unconstrained cash reserve of at least $5.0 million
  4. Council shall not agree to undertake projects unless they are and have followed the Council’s project management framework
  5. Grant applications that have a negative impact on the financial position of the council must be approved by Council. Where there is insufficient time to do this they may be approved by agreement between the Mayor and CEO


    B. Provide notification to IPART that Council intends to lodge an application for a special rate variation.

    C. That the focus of the funds raised from the Special Rate Variation (SRV) be:

    (a) The sealed road network, with a focus on interventions to reduce the lifecycle costs of the assets and to provide the maximum benefit to the broader community

    (b) The unsealed road network, with a focus on restoring the gravel wearing courses to provide the maximum benefits to the broader community

    (c) To raise the level of maintenance/renewal funding for buildings and other infrastructure to the appropriate level to begin a program of restoration

    (d) A project to review opportunities to rationalise the land and facilities assets that are used to deliver Council’s services, including the rationalisation of the number of locations services are provided, considering a regional approach to service delivery rather than service in each location

    D. Adopt a target of $1million in efficiency savings to be found over the next four years.

    E. Commence the following projects through the p­roject management framework:

    (a) Lobbying for changes to the rate peg to incorporate the cost of growth assets from the Snowy Mountains Special Activation Precinct (SAP) works

    (b) Establishing the level of community service obligations for the services Council provides and using these as the basis for determining the appropriate level of user charges against subsidy to users of services

    (c) Explore options to rationalise the land and facilities assets

    (d) Implementing efficiency improvement initiatives previously identified, including the recommendations from the Works Management, Field Operations and Contract Delivery Service Reviews

    (e) Implement the asset management improvements identified in the financial sustainability review

    (f) Prepare a pavement management system

    (g) Develop and implement an economic development and investment attraction strategy that targets realisation of benefits from major regional developments and supply chains (eg. SAP) to the whole of region Council area

    F. Add the following tasks to the 2022-23 Operational Plan:

    (a) Have a framework in place to ensure the impacts of grants on the financial sustainability of the Council are considered before any applications are lodged with the due date being 30 June 2023

    (b) Review the internally restricted cash to ensure alignment with intended purpose of the reserves and that the reserves are adequate for the purpose, to be completed by 31 May 2023.

    (c) Implement a monthly reconciliation and reporting process for all external restrictions by 30 June 2023

    (d) Approach group 4 and 11 councils, as well as the member of the CRJO, to gauge interest in performance benchmarking by 30 June 2023

    (e) Commence development of a strategic service planning framework to guide and inform the development of the Delivery Program and Resourcing Strategies by 30 June 2023

    Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Mitchell

    Passed: against were Cr Stewart, Williamson, Frolich


    Subsequent to the meeting, the CEO received a rescission motion and requests for an extraordinary meeting to consider the rescission motion. The extraordinary meeting is now scheduled for 5pm Tuesday 29 November 2022.


    8.3 Strategy

    8.3.1      Revised Resourcing Strategy Documents


    That Council

  6. Place the attached documents on public exhibition as part of the process of applying for a special rate variation.
  7. Schedule an Extraordinary Meeting for 1pm Monday 30 January 2023 to be held in the Cooma Council Chamber.



    Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Mitchell

    Amendments made to date above for meeting and community consultation close date on page 195 to 6 January 2023.

    Procedural motion lost: against were Cr Stewart, Williamson, Frolich, Hanna, Hopkins, Johnson

    Debate resumed and concluded.

    Motion was passed: Cr Frolich and WIlliamson against.


    8.3.2      Updated Long Team Financial Plan and Asset Management Strategy


  1. That the updates be noted.


Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Mitchell

Passed: against Cr Frolich, Cr Williamson refused to vote and Cr Stewart formally abstained


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