Summary of May Ordinary Council Meeting

Published on 19 May 2023

Council Chambers.jpg
The May Ordinary Meeting of Snowy Monaro Council was held Thursday 18 May 2023 in Cooma.

There were two speakers at the public forum.

A Cooma resident discussed concerns regarding the fairness and affordability of the current fees and charges for water billing – specifically with how these fees and charges are calculated for multi-unit dwellings.

A lawyer representing Rural Landscape Monaro Inc spoke about the community group’s opposition to a proposed wind farm in the vicinity of The Brothers, and their request that Council formally investigate the establishment of scenic protection overlays to the Local Environment Plan.

The group indicated their wish that this process involve an independent expert landscape assessment, and that they would be willing to contribute monetarily.

Councillor Peter Beer was absent from the meeting.

The following motions were passed unanimously by exception in the Council meeting:

  • 7.1 – Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 April 2023
  • 7.2 – Closed Session of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 April 2023
  • 7.3 – Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 11 May 2023
  • 9.2.1 – Monthly Funds Management Report – April 2023
  • 9.3.1 – Organisational Performance Report - April 2023
  • 9.3.2 – Michelago Hall and Tennis Courts Membership

Moved: Cr Mitchell  Seconded: Cr Williamson

The following matters were considered during the meeting:

9.2.2 – Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) to 31 March 2023 (Late Report)

That Council receive the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the quarter ended 31 March 2023 and approve the variations noted therein.

There was a discussion initiated by Cr Williamson prior to a motion being moved, as he was concerned that the updated version of the late report was not available on Council’s website. CEO Peter Bascomb confirmed that the report should have been available to the public.

Cr Williamson then moved an alternate motion to not approve the QBRS, and in addition form a councillor committee to conduct an intensive review into Council’s finances – before any QBRS is approved.


  1. The Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the quarter ended 31 March 2023 not be accepted and that the variations therein not be approved; and
  2. A committee be formed of all Councillors and relevant staff to intensively review the report.

Cr Hopkins seconded the motion. While she stressed her support for the CFO and veracity of Council financial documents, she felt that budgets and spending were not under control – and that immediate action was needed.

Cr Higgins spoke against the motion, stating that the unexpected increase to the deficit was the result of depreciation and improved accuracy and immediacy of the QBRS compared to prior months.

Cr Hanna supported the motion, and with Cr Williamson’s support added to the motion a part c to schedule an extraordinary Council meeting in two weeks time.


  1. The Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the quarter ended 31 March 2023 not be accepted and that the variations therein not be approved;
  2. A committee be formed of all Councillors and relevant staff to intensively review the report; and
  3. Come back to an Extraordinary Council meeting within two weeks of this date.

The motion passed with Crs Davis, Frolich, Hanna, Hopkins, Johnson, Mitchell, and Williamson voting for; Crs Higgins and Summers voting against; and Cr Stewart absent.


9.3.3 – Post Exhibition Report - Land Use Strategies

That Council:

A.         Note the consultation report prepared by Purdon Planning;

B.         Adopt the Settlements Strategy as amended;

C.         Adopt the Rural Land Use Strategy as amended; and

D.        Notify any person who made a submission.

Cr Higgins moved that the motion be deferred until additional consultation is undertaken by Council.

This was seconded by Cr Hopkins.

Cr Hanna asked that the request from the public speaker on behalf of Rural Landscape Monaro Inc to develop costings for a potential scenic corridor overlay addition to the Local Environment Plan be added to the deferral motion.

Both Cr Higgins and Cr Hopkins agreed to this change.

There was further discussion about the Land Use Strategies and the consultation conducted so far, with Cr Williamson particularly opposed to the plans in their current state.


  1. Item 9.3.3 Post Exhibition Report - Land Use Strategies be deferred pending further consultation with the community; and

B.   Provide costing for scenic overlay study. The motion passed with Cr Stewart against.


9.5.1 – Resolution Action Sheet Updates

That Council note the resolution action updates.

Moved: Cr Hanna

Seconded: Cr Mitchell

There was no debate, and the motion passed unanimously.


10.1 Minutes from Management and Advisory Committees

That Council receive the minutes of the:

i.          Community Services Advisory Committee meeting held 19 December 2022;

ii.         Bombala Exhibition Ground Management Committee meeting held 8 March 2023;

iii.        Michelago Hall & Tennis Courts Management Committee meeting held 15 March 2023;

iv.        Cooma North Ridge Reserve Advisory Committee meeting held 29 March 2023; and

v.         Jindabyne Sportsground and Recreation Areas Management Committee meeting held 27 April 2023.

Moved: Cr Hanna

Seconded: Cr Johnson

There was no debate, and the motion passed unanimously.


10.2 Minutes from March 2023 Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Meeting

That Council note the minutes from the 13 March 2023 Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting.

Moved: Cr Hanna

Seconded: Cr Higgins

There was no debate, and the motion passed unanimously.


11.1 Establishment of an s.355 Advisory Committee for Open Spaces and Recreational Facilities

That Council establish an s.355 advisory committee for open spaces and recreational facilities with effect from 1 July 2023.

This notice of motion was moved by Cr Hopkins, and seconded by Cr Johnson.

Cr Hopkins stated that there was formerly an s.355 committee with this remit that was disbanded by Council over 12 months ago, acting on incorrect advice that the committee was inactive.

Having received advice from former members of that committee that this was not the case, Cr Hopkins wished to see the committee re-established.

During the debate on the motion, councillors noted the need for a formal review of all Council’s committees and corroborated that they too had received representations from former members of the committee that the committee was active.

The motion passed with Crs Davis, Higgins, Beer, Frolich, Hanna, Hopkins, Johnson, Mitchell and Summers voting for; Cr Williamson voting against; and Cr Stewart absent.


14.1 Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC

That Council note the information in the Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC report.

Moved: Cr Hanna   Seconded: Cr Mitchell

The motion passed unanimously with Cr Stewart absent.


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