Summary of November Ordinary Council Meeting
Published on 18 November 2022
The November ordinary meeting of Snowy Monaro Regional Council was held yesterday afternoon in Jindabyne. As part of our commitment to transparency, we are sharing this summary of the meeting with our community.
For further information, to access the full business paper and attachments, or to watch a recording of the webcast – please visit
Attendance: Councillors Hopkins, Hanna and Summers attended by audio-visual link.
Councillor Summers joined the meeting at 1.58pm.
Public Presentations:
At today’s council meeting, there were three presentations from the public and we thank them for their time in presenting to Councillors.
- SMRC Youth Council – Joshua Abrokwah: Youth Council Monthly Update
- Mick Newman: Introduction of the Ratepayers & Residents Association
- Carlo Di Giulio: 9.1.1 - Draft Rural Land Use Strategy
Matters dealt with by exception at the meeting were:
7. Adoption Of Minutes From Previous Council Meeting
7.1 Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 October 2022
7.2 Closed Session of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 20 October 2022
9.1.3 Draft Development Servicing Plans
That Council endorse the draft Snowy Monaro Development Servicing Plan (attached) to be placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 42 days.
9.1.4 Organisational Performance Report - October 2022
That Council
- Note the progress outlined in the report.
- Amend the 2022-2023 Operational Plan to stage the replacement of the Cambalong Bridge, to include: Environmental assessments determined, detailed designs approved and construction commenced. Move full stages of construction into the 2023-2024 Operational Plan and final stages of construction with the bridge open to traffic into the 2024-2025 Operational Plan.
- Amend the 2022-2023 Operational Plan to stage the replacement of the Redcliffe Bridge, to include: Environmental assessments determined, detailed designs approved and construction commenced. Move last stage of completion of construction with the bridge open to traffic to the 2023-2024 Operational Plan Year.
- Amend the 2022-2023 Operational Plan to stage the replacement of the Cambalong 2 Bridge, to include: Environmental assessments determined, detailed designs approved and construction commenced. Move last stage of completion of construction with the bridge open to traffic to the 2023-2024 Operational Plan Year.
9.2.1 Water and Wastewater Land Acquisitions - Bombala STP Upgrade - Change of Physical Position Needs
That Council
- Proceed with acquisition of the following land, and interests in land, by compulsory process under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (NSW) by authority contained in the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) for the purposes of the Bombala Sewerage Treatment Plant upgrade project:
- Lot 2 in Deposited Plan 1278691, being part of Lot 5 Section 42 in Deposited Plan 758129 and having an area of 256.9m2;
- An easement for drainage of sewerage over the site shown as ‘E1 – PROPOSED EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE OF SEWERAGE 3 WIDE’ in Deposited Plan 1278691 affecting Lot 5 Section 42 in Deposited Plan 758129;
- A right of access over the site shown as ‘E2 – PROPOSED RIGHT OF ACCESS 10 WIDE’ in Deposited Plan 1278691 affecting Lot 5 Section 42 in Deposited Plan 758129.
- Agree that the terms of the easement shall be as shown on SCHEDULE A (referenced in report body);
- Agree that the terms of the right of access shall be as shown on SCHEDULE B (referenced in report body);
- Acknowledge that minerals are to be excluded from the acquisition;
- Acknowledge that the acquisition is not for the purpose of resale;
- Classify the acquired land (Lot 2 DP 1278691) as operational land in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW);
- Make the necessary applications to the NSW Minister for Local Government and the NSW Governor to obtain consent for the stated land acquisition and interests.
9.3.1 Review of Investment Policy
That Council approve the revised Investment Policy.
9.3.2 Monthly Funds Management Report - October 2022
That Council
- Receive the report indicating Council’s cash and investments position as at 31 October 2022; and
- Receive the certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer.
9.5.1 Resolution Action Sheet Update
That Council receive the resolution update for the period ending October 2022.
9.5.2 Answers to Questions with Notice
That Council receive the answers to questions with notice for the period ending October 2022.
10.1 Minutes of August 2022 Local Traffic Committee
That the recommendations of the meeting of the Local Traffic Committee held on 23 August 2022 be adopted.
10.2 Minutes of October 2022 Local Traffic Committee
That the recommendations of the meeting of the Local Traffic Committee held on 25 October 2022 be adopted.
– this was discussed by Councillors and the result is below:
14.1 Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC as at 31 October 2022
That Council receive and note the information in the Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC as at 31 October 2022 report.
Discussed at the meeting were the following recommendations:
9.1.1 Re-exhibition of Draft Land Use Strategies
That Council endorse the draft land use strategies to be placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 56 days.
Moved: Cr Mitchell, seconded Cr Higgins
PASSED: against were Crs Frolich, Stewart and Williamson
Cr Williamson spoke against the motion and proposed a foreshadowed motion which was not voted on as the motion was passed.
Cr Beer spoke for the motion noting it is about the document going on exhibition so the community can have their say. Delaying this step delays the whole project again. Let’s get the public’s view.
9.1.2 Planning Proposal -
Draft Comprehensive Snowy Monaro Regional Local Environmental Plan
That Council
- Undertake a minimum 56 days of consultation concurrently with the draft Land Use Strategies;
- Submit the planning proposal to the Minister of Planning for a gateway determination; and
- Proceed with further consultation on the planning proposal in the event the NSW Department of Planning and Environment issues a gateway determination.
Moved Cr Higgins, seconded Cr Mitchell
PASSED: against were Crs Stewart, Williamson, Frolich
9.1.5 2021-2022 Annual Report
That Council endorse the 2021/2022 Annual Report excluding the financial statements and;
- Change the mayoral message to note financial sustainability review had only commenced
- Correct the location shown as south of Canberra CBD
- That Snowy 2.0 be identified as a major project
- That councillors appointment date be confirmed
- Publish the report on Council’s webpage
- Forward the URL link to the office of Local Government
Moved Cr Beer, seconded Cr Mitchell
Proposed amendments were made by Crs Beer and Williamson (added above).
9.1.6 Appointment of Delegates to Committees for the Period to September 2023 following a Councillor Resignation
That Council appoint:
- Councillor Mitchell to the Snowy Monaro Arts & Cultural Committee;
- Councillor Mitchell to the Bundian Way Advisory Committee;
- Councillor Mitchell to the South East Arts Board; and
- Councillor Williamson to the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group.
Moved into Committee to discuss, nominate and vote.
Moved Cr Beer, seconded Cr Frolich.
9.2.2 Successful Re-accreditation of Snowy River Hostel Residential Aged Care Facility
That Council
- receive and note the information in the report on the successful re-accreditation of Snowy River Hostel until October 2025.
- thank the staff for their efforts to achieve the reaccreditation, their second.
Moved Cr Beer, seconded Cr Stewart.
9.3.3 Monthly Budget Review Statement (MBRS) to 31 October 2022
A. That the variations noted in the Budget Review Statement for the month ended 31 October 2022 be approved.
B. Note that there are material matter with the statements that require clarification.
Moved Cr Stewart, seconded Cr Mitchell
Moved into committee to discuss – moved by Cr Williamson and seconded Cr Mitchell
PASSED (amended as above): against Cr Frolich
9.5.3 Organisation Structure Review
That Council, noting the pending implementation of recommendations from recent service reviews, retain the current structure and areas of responsibility but request a further review in April 2023.
Cr Hopkins proposed an amendment to add portfolio of communication and economic development be moved to the strategy portfolio. Cr Mitchell spoke against this as did Cr Higgins. Cr Stewart noted that any structural changes need to go through the CEO and that Council needs to properly consider the implications before making any changes..
Amendment was LOST.
Amended review date was proposed by Cr Williamson.
Moved Cr Williamson, seconded Cr Stewart
PASSED: against Crs Hopkins, Hanna, Summers, Higgins
10.3 Draft Minutes - Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee 19 October 2022
That Council receive and note the draft minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting held on 19 October 2022.
Moved Cr Higgins, seconded Cr Johnson
11. Notice of Motion
11.1 Expediting the Bumbalong Bridge Project
That the Mayor write to the NSW Premier, the Minister for Environment and Heritage, and the Minister for Transport, seeking:
- Their urgent intervention to expedite work related to investigation, assessment and management of potential Indigenous heritage items located near the planned site of the bridge over the Murrumbidgee River in the Bumbalong Valley; and
- In the event that significant Indigenous heritage items are determined to exist at the preferred site of the project, that work to provide a bridge at an alternate nearby location proceed with the utmost speed.
Moved Cr Williamson, seconded Cr Frolich
PASSED: against Crs Davis, Summers, Hopkins. Cr Hanna was absent.
12. Mayoral Minute
12.1 Council Declaration of Road Emergency
That Council
- Join with Local Government NSW and Country Mayors Association of NSW in declaring a State-wide Road Emergency.
- Along with these organisation’s support:
- an acceleration and significant increase in funding for the $1.1 billion Fixing Local Roads and Fixing Country Bridges programs from the New South Wales Government;
- a boost to Road Block Grant funding to compensate for the damage to the regional road network from the Federal Government;
- new funding to provide councils with plant machinery and skilled workers to expedite road repairs from the Federal Government; and
- the writing of letters to the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, Premier of NSW, Member for Monaro Nichole Overall and Federal Member, Kristy McBain.
Moved Cr Davis