Summary of December Ordinary Council Meeting

Published on 16 December 2022

Cooma Council Chambers.jpg

Held in Cooma, Thursday 15 December 2022

All councillors attended the meeting in person in the Cooma Council Chambers.


External presentation:

Lawrissa Chan and Furqan Yousuf from the Audit Office of NSW discussing key findings and insights from the audited financial statements to Council.


There were five presentations at the public forum:

SMRC Youth Council - Leanne Adams & Samuel Pevere: Monthly Youth Council Update

Jim Litchfield: Proposed wind farm development at The Brothers

Charles Kolano: Werralong Rd compulsory land acquisition and conduct of Council

Mick Newman: Rural Land Use Strategy – against

Andrew Thaler: 9.2.2 - Adoption of the 2021/22 Financial Statements – opinions on veracity of facts, figures and statements contained within the document and Council’s financial performance and integrity more broadly


Matters dealt with by exception

7.            Adoption of minutes from previous council meeting

7.1          Ordinary Council Meeting held on 17 November 2022

7.2          Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 24 November 2022

7.3          Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 29 November 2022


9.1          Operations

9.1.1      Council-managed Crown Reserves - Plans of Management

That Council receive and note the information in the report on the Council-managed Crown Reserves Plans of Management development

9.1.4      Fixing Country Bridges Round 2B Acceptance of funding

That Council

  1. Accept the funding amount of $4,920,872 under the NSW Government Fixing Country Bridges Program Round 2B;
  2. Allocate $1 million to the 2022/23 budget and the remaining $3,920,872 to the 2023/2024 budget; and
  3. Add the replacement of the following bridges to the capital works program within Council’s 2022-2026 Delivery Program and 2022-2023 Operational Plan: Rossys Creek Bridge, Corrowong Road; Killarney Bridge, Tayfield Road; Matong Creek Bridge, Matong Road.


9.2          Finance

9.2.1      Monthly Funds Management Report - November 2022

That Council

  1. Receive the report indicating Council’s cash and investments position as at 30 November 2022; and
  2. Receive the certificate of the Responsible Accounting Officer.


9.2.2      Adoption of the 2021/22 Financial Statements

That Council

  1. In accordance with Section 419 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993, receive and note the Auditor’s Reports on the 2021/22 Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2022.
  2. That any public submissions about the 2021/22 Financial Statements be referred to the Auditor in accordance with Section 420 of the Local Government Act 1993.


9.3          Strategy

9.3.1      Approval of road name Rosamond Place to go to GNB for gazettal

That Council approve the name Rosamond Place to go to the Geographical Names Board for gazettal.


9.3.2      Proposed naming of private right of carriageway - Sugarloaf Road


  1. The road name Sugarloaf Road be endorsed for public advertisement for a period of 28 days via the Monaro Post; and
  2. The proposed road name Sugarloaf Road be created as road name proposal and be submitted for pre-approval with the NSW Geographical Names Board.


9.3.5      Organisational Performance Report - November 2022

That Council

  1. Note the progress outlined in the report.
  2. Remove the cemetery plot mapping project from the 2022-2023 Operational Plan, with further investigation to be undertaken to prepare a full business case to understand financial impacts and cost benefits, before being identified as an action in future Operational Plans.
  3. Remove the Cowbed Creek Bridge replacement from the 2022-2023 Operational Plan and defer the project to the 2023-2024 Operational Plan.


9.3.6      Draft Snowy River Development Control Plan Amendment 3 - Three Rivers Estate Kalkite

That Council consent to the public exhibition of all the drafted Snowy River development control plan amendment 3 provisions as described in and attached to this report for a period of 28 days in accordance with Schedule 1 Part 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Clause 18 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 and the Snowy Monaro Community Participation Plan.


9.3.7      Appointment of ARIC Independent Members

That Council appoint Ms Kylie McRae and Mr Shannon Buckley as independent members of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC).


9.4          Communications

9.4.1      Application for Event Sponsorship

That Council determine the event sponsorship submissions to be approved under its event sponsorship policy:

  1. That Council approve event funding applications outlined below and within the report:

- Lake Jindabyne Sailing Regatta (local) $195 in retrospect of the event date 2 December 2022

- Fox Superflow Gravity MTB (regional) $5,000

- FX/FJ Holden Nationals (local) $1,500

- Landrover 75th Anniversary (regional) $5,000


9.5          Executive Office

9.5.1      Resolution Action Sheet Update

That Council receive the resolution update for the period ending November 2022


10           Reports of Committees

10.1        Minutes from Management and Advisory Committees

That Council

  1. Receive the minutes of the Michelago Memorial Hall & Tennis Courts Committee
  2. Receive the minutes of the Bombala Exhibition Ground Management Committee


Matters dealt with by exception

Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Stewart



Matters discussed at Snowy Monaro Regional Council Meeting – 15 December 2022


8.            Planning and Development Application Matters

8.1          Development Application 10.2022.154.1 - Thirty Four (34) Lot Subdivision

That pursuant to section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (as amended) Council grants consent to 10.2022.154.1 for an Staged Thirty Four (34) Lot Subdivision on Lot: Y DP: 417424, Hoskin Street BERRIDALE NSW 2628 with conditions of consent attached to this report.

Moved Cr Mitchell, seconded Cr Summers



8.2          Development Application 10.2022.377.1 - Alterations & additions to existing aged care facility

That pursuant to section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (as amended) Council grants consent to 10.2022.377.1 for Alterations and Additions to Existing Aged Care Facility on Lot: 10 DP: 1266613, Yallambee Lodge, 1 Binalong Street COOMA with conditions of consent attached to this report.

Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Mitchell



9.1          Operations

9.1.2      Residential aged care update on divestment process and budget requirement for remainder of financial year

That Council:

  1. Extend the residential aged care divestment due diligence period with Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Services until 30 June 2023;
  2. Increase the Residential Aged Care operating budget by $1,028,793 to cover the period January – June 2023, to be funded from Council’s unrestricted cash and recouped over the next 2 financial years from asset renewal budgets; and
  3. Continue to lobby the federal government to provide funding support for operating deficit and capital improvements while working toward a regional solution that ensures the long term viability of residential aged care services in the Snowy Monaro.

Moved Cr Higgins, seconded Cr Mitchell



9.1.3      Expression of Interest to operate Bombala Laundromat

That Council

  1. Proceed with an expression of interest for the operation or lease of the Bombala laundromat under a short term licence of up to 12 months under section 2.20 of the Crown Land Management Act; and
  2. Receive a further report upon conclusion of the Expression of Interest process and recommended licence terms and conditions.

Moved Cr Stewart, seconded Cr Frolich

Amendment to wording proposed by Cr Frolich to add ‘or lease’ in point A



9.2.3      Monthly Budget Review Statements (MBRS) to 30 November 2022

That the Budget Review Statement for the month ended 30 November 2022 be received and the variations noted therein be approved.

Moved Cr Williamson, seconded Cr Frolich

Cr Williamson proposed an amendment to the wording to read:

That Council

  1. Approved the variation with the statements; and
  2. Note that the statements are inaccurate due to the cash position not being updated

Motion lost – supported by Cr Williamson, Cr Stewart and Cr Frolich. Remainder against.


Returned to the original recommendation:

That the Budget Review Statement for the month ended 30 November 2022 be received and the variations noted therein be approved.

Moved Cr Summers, seconded Cr Hopkins

Passed – against Cr Frolich and Cr Williamson


9.3          Strategy

9.3.3      Public exhibition of draft SMRC Reconciliation Action Plan - Reflect - 2023-2024

That Council place the draft SMRC Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 -2024 on public exhibition for a period of six weeks.

Moved Cr Higgins, seconded Cr Williamson

Passed – Cr Williamson and Cr Frolich against.


9.3.4      Nomination for Membership on the North Ridge Reserve Advisory Committee

That Council consider the applications and appoint members to the two vacant positions.

Moved Cr Higgins, seconded Cr Williamson



9.4          Communications

9.4.2      Post-Exhibition Report - Community Engagement Strategy

That the Community Engagement Strategy be adopted

Moved Cr Higgins, seconded Cr Williamson

  1. Proposed that item 9.4.2 be deferred and then proposed amendment Adopt the Community Engagement Strategy as interim; and
  2. Undertake a review for completion to report back to the March 2023 council meeting following Councillor workshops.

Amended motion passed: against Cr Stewart, Frolich and Williamson


9.5          Executive Office

9.5.2      Answers to Questions with Notice

That Council receive updates to the answers to questions with notice for the period ending November 2022.

Moved Cr Williamson , seconded Cr Hanna



There were no notices of motion.


12           Mayoral Minute – presented by Councillor Narelle Davis

12.1        Financial Support for Currawarna Assisted Living

That Council financially support the repurposing of the Currawarna Aged Care Facility to Currawarna Assisted Living Facility in Bombala by waving the following charges for 5 years, as of when the facility commences operation.

  • General Rates
  • Water charges
  • Waste Water charges

    This financial support will be come from the donations budget each year for 5 years.

    Moved Cr Davis

    Passed: Cr Summers against, Cr Williamson absent.


    13           Questions with notice

    13.1        Question with Notice - Michelago Traffic Calming in Local Traffic Committee

    That the response to the questions:

  • Why were the suggested measures not considered appropriate;
  • What alternatives are available;
  • Who will manage this process; and
  • Can the Road Safety Officer investigate how we keep the children of Michelago safe be noted.

Moved Cr Higgins, Cr Hanna



14           Confidential Matters

14.1        Residential Aged Care - Sir William Hudson Memorial Centre

That Council adopt the recommendation in the report.



14.2        Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC as at 30 November 2022

That Council receive and note the information in the Legal Actions and Potential Claims Against SMRC as at 30 November 2022 report.



Meeting was closed.


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