Tested: Snowy Monaro water supplies meet proposed PFAS safety standard
Published on 20 December 2024
Updated Monday 23 December 2024.
Recent testing confirms all drinking water supplies across the Snowy Monaro region meet Australian safety guidelines. Testing in November 2024 found PFAS levels in all treated water supplies operated by Snowy Monaro Regional Council are well within the limits set by the new national standards.
Accredited laboratory tests, funded by NSW Health and conducted by Enviro Lab Services, screened for PFAS and PFAS-like substances across all Council water supplies.
Results show all Snowy Monaro water supplies are performing significantly better than both current and proposed Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, with most locations recording levels below detectable limits.
Trained Council staff collected samples from treatment plants in Adaminaby, Berridale, Bombala, Bredbo, Cooma, Dalgety, Delegate, Eucumbene Cove, Kalkite, Jindabyne, Jindabyne East, and Nimmitabel.
The comprehensive testing program undertaken by Council checked for multiple PFAS compounds including PFHxS, PFOS, PFOA and PFBS.
PFAS chemicals (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), also known as forever chemicals, have been widely used since the 1900s and are commonly found in surface and ground water around the world.
These substances have been proven to be toxic to humans as they accumulate in the body, and the formulation of these synthetic chemicals means they effectively never break down in nature.
Contact us for further information by email at council@snowymonaro.nsw.gov.au, or phone the water and wastewater team on 1300 345 345.