Bobeyan Road Upgrade

Project Type: Upgrade

Project Location: Bobeyan Road

Funding: NSW Government


What are we doing?

In February 2019 the NSW State Government announced and committed $20 million to seal the NSW section of Bobeyan Road.

Since the inception of this project, we have faced numerous challenges beyond the organisation's control, leading to the need for a reduction in scope from the completed reseal on the original 19.5km of this road. These have included:

  • Delays in funding
  • Pandemic lockdowns
  • Unexpected quantities of granite
  • Severe weather events

Despite these challenges, Council remains committed to delivering a successful project within the revised scope and timeline. Council has, where possible, completed design and assessment activities on the whole scope of this project. The current scope for delivery is outlined below:

Portion: Ashvale Road – Shannons Flat Road

Scope: Realign and construct to rural sealed road standard.

Completed work to date:

  • Survey
  • Design
  • Environmental survey and REF
  • DBYDD location of assets
  • Tree and heavy vegetation clearing
  • New driveways and private accesses constructed
  • Construct single span concrete bridge at Jones Creek
  • Construct multi cell culvert at Back Creek
  • All road drainage culvert installation/upgrades
  • Pavement construction to top of sub grade completed between Ashvale Road and Shannon’s Flat Road
  • Construct new driveways and private accesses
  • Construction of fences
  • Revegetation 
  • Construction at intersection of Shannon's Flat Road and Bobeyan Road 
Portion: End seal to Ashvale Road


  • Shovel ready for future investment – no major works in current scope
  • Undertake some vegetation clearing for safety improvement

Completed work to date:

  • Survey
  • Design
  • Environmental survey and REF
  • DBYDD location of assets
Portion: Shannons Flat Road to Border


  • Shovel ready for future investment – no major works in current scope
  • Telstra asset relocation

Completed work to date:

  • Survey
  • Design
  • Environmental survey and REF
  • DBYDD location of Telstra assets,
  • Design of Telstra asset relocation and Shannons Flat intersection
  • Commencement of Telstra asset relocation
  • Identification and assessment of Aboriginal Heritage Sites, (AHIP 5055)


Latest Update - February 2025

Works at Shannon's Flat intersection to merge the  Bobeyan Road Project with the Shannon's Flat Project have been completed.

Revegetation works are now completed.

The planned bitumen reseal of the Ashvale Road – Shannon's Flat Road portion is planned for early March 2025.

Public Works are progressing the road realignment agreements with the landowners.


Previous Updates

October 2021 update

Machinery and materials will be delivered to site commencing Monday 18 October 2021. This should mean that the traffic diversion around the existing bridge should be in place before the end of the week.

Please drive with extra care around this work-site and obey all of the warning signs, including any portable traffic lights, as well as any instructions given by the traffic controllers.

Culverts have been delivered to the Back Creek Site. These culverts will replace the existing timber bridge.

Sediment fencing installed to reduce the amount of silt from entering the Back Creek waterway during construction.

The by-pass pipe has been installed to allow for the on-going flow of the creek onto the Murrumbidgee River.


August 2021 update

Council's project team met with the NSW Department of Primary Industries - Fisheries last month and the Fisheries Permit for the Back Creek portion has now been approved.

The review of the Review of Environmental Factors by the Public Works Advisory is nearing completion, with an expected completion date of mid-August 2021.

Assuming all documents are accepted, work is planned to commence from mid-September 2021.

For more information please contact the project manager, Graham Hope 


Phone 1300 345 345


June 2021 update

Council had a meeting with the NSW Department of Primary Industries - Fisheries on Thursday 1 July, to discuss the permit requirements, and this is progressing well,  and should be finalised shortly.

The review of the REF by PWA is also well underway, and Council is expecting a resolution of all outstanding issues shortly.

These problems are frustrating, but sorting them before construction ensures all parties are aware of any restrictions, and limits Councils liability.

Once sorted, delays with the remainder of the project will be minimised.


April 2021 update

A community meeting was held on Monday 22 March 2021 at Shannons Flat Hall.

The purpose of this meeting was to:

  1. Introduce interested residents to the project team
  2. Update the community on the general progress of the project
  3. Present the proposed centre-line design for the new road design
  4. Outline the process for identification/notification/consultation with impacted properties
  5. Discuss the draft time frame for the construction project
  6. Discuss the impact of construction on local traffic and road users