Bridge Renewal Program
Project Type: Upgrade
Project Location: Various
Funding: Various
What are we doing?
Thanks to generous support from the NSW Government, Council can undertake a bridge renewal program to upgrade some of our aging infrastructure and provide secure transport networks for years to come.
The current bridges planned for upgrade are:
- Matong Bypass (Kelly’s) Bridge
- Cambalong 1 Bridge – Cambalong Road (over Bombala River)
- Ryrie Street Bridge - Michelago
- Rossys Creek Bridge - Corrowong Road, Corrowong
- Kellys Bridge - Matong Road, Jimenbuen
- Cowbed Bridge - Rocky Plain Road, Berridale
- Boolboolma Crossing – Tinderry Road, Anembo

Latest Update
Matong Bypass (Kelly’s) Bridge
Work on Kelly’s Bridge is now almost complete with some earthworks still being undertaken on the approach.
Bridge will be closed to traffic for periods when required by construction, however wherever possible, the bridge will be open overnight and on weekends.
Ryrie Street Bridge
Work to install the new Ryrie Street Bridge is underway, as of 10 April 2024.
There will be no need for a bypass whilst this work is undertaken.
Rossy’s Creek Bridge
Work to replace Rossy’s Creek Bridge is underway, as of 22 April 2024.
- Corrowong Road will be closed in both directions at Rossy Creek Bridge between April 2024 and late August (weather permitting)
- A detour along Browns Camp Road is in effect during the bridge construction and Council is undertaking additional maintenance works on this road during this time.
- Heavy vehicles (unloaded log trucks, gravel trucks) will be restricted from using the detour route between 7am – 8.30am and 4pm – 5.30pm daily. Residents wishing to avoid heavy vehicles are advised to plan their travel within these times.
- National Parks and Wildlife have advised they are undertaking Fire Trail Upgrades on Merambego Fire Trail in the Byadbo Wilderness Area, but they will also be abiding by the heavy vehicle restrictions on Browns Camp Road and will only deliver materials needed between the times of 8.30am – 4pm.
Cambalong 1
Work to replace Cambalong 1 Bridge is now underway, as of 12 May 2024.
The existing timber bridge is to be retained as the bypass, until new bridge open to traffic.
Cowbed Bridge
Boolboolma Crossing
- Site Geotech and Survey assessments/reports commenced
- Hydrology/Hydraulic Study RFQ to follow acceptance of the site Survey report
- RFT for Design/Construct (D&C) contract to be advertised
- Scheduling for the upgrade works will follow awarding of D&C contract
Relevant links
For up-to-date traffic information please visit