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Adaminaby swimming pool summer season has been extended by two week for weekends only, now closing after 16 March 2025.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council run swimming pools work under the Royal Life Saving Keep Watch at Public Pools Program, this means all age supervision requirements for our pools will be in line with what is recommended in the Keep Watch Program.
Moving forward all children under the age of fifteen (15) require an adult present to supervise them within Snowy Monaro Region Councils aquatic facilities.
Pool Hire
*Off Peak between 6.00am to 7.00am and then 8.00am to 3.30pm
To access a concession rate patrons need to produce on of the following cards:
The Adaminaby pool will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day and Australia Day public holidays)
24 Denison Street, Adaminaby 2629 View Map
24 Denison Street , Adaminaby 2629
Adaminaby main pool area
Adaminaby pool
Adaminaby pool - shade and picnic tables
Adaminaby Swimming Pool Building entrance
Adaminaby Baby pool
Adaminaby main pool
Adaminaby pool ramp
Closed all public holidays