The Snowy Monaro Local Traffic Committee (LTC) operates under the Guide to Delegation to Council for the regulation of Traffic through Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The LTC considers traffic management and special event proposals on local roads by making a recommendation to Council.
The Committee is primarily a technical review committee which is required to advise Council on matters but does not have decision making powers.
The LTC is responsible for overseeing the following items:
- Temporary road closures for some special events and construction projects, such as street parades, fun runs and community celebrations;
- Regulatory road signs and marking, including parking restrictions;
- Pedestrian crossings and median and traffic islands;
- Traffic calming measures, such as speed humps.
Members of the Local Traffic Committee include representatives from:
- NSW Police
- Transport for NSW
- Local State Member of Parliament or representative
- One Council representative
NOTE: TfNSW maintains the sole responsibility for all speed zones and traffic lights on NSW roads and directly regulates traffic management on all State roads, including highways.
Making a submission to the LTC:
If your event requires a partial, rolling or full road closure you will need to find out which agency owns the road and get in contact with them. For instance, if it is a state road you will need to contact Transport for NSW and if it is a local road then you will need to get in contact with Council.
If it is a local road you require, Council will provide you with forms to fill out. These forms include:
- Notice of Intention to Organise an Event
- Police Traffic Management Plan
- Risk Assessment and Control Plan
- Schedule 1 TMP
- Public Liability Insurance valued at $20 million
Once completed, these forms will be submitted to the next Local Traffic Committee (LTC) meeting and then to the following months Council meeting.
If you are planning to film on a Council road you need to advise Council and the NSW Police of your plans.