Sewer maintenance riser shafts are located on some properties in every street and they are necessary for maintenance and repair of Council's sewer mains.
If you have a sewer maintenance riser shaft on your property, you must not obstruct access to it:
- Do not build anything over the sewer maintenance riser shaft;
- Do not cover the sewer maintenance riser shaft with a path or driveway, or with garden soil; and
- Do not park trailers or caravans over sewer maintenance riser shafts.
If you wish to change the ground level around a sewer maintenance riser shaft, contact Council on 1300 345 345 and we can arrange to raise or lower the sewer maintenance riser shaft free of charge.
A household sewer connection will appear as a small round plastic cap (newer style) or small round metal cap (old style) in a concrete surround. These need to be kept accessible at all times for sewer maintenance purposes.
These tops can generally be raised or lowered as required with work being done by a licensed plumber.
All work on sewer mains, junctions and manholes is to be carried out by Council.
Any work that requires alteration to sewer mains, sewer junctions (including new connections), or sewer manholes will need to be quoted individually. Please complete the Section 68 Application Form and submit to Council.
Council is responsible for maintenance of the wastewater service from the sewer connection point on the sewer main up to and including the sewer maintenance riser shaft (plumbing between the house connection and sewerage main). Council will repair or replace the sewer maintenance riser shaft and plumbing from the riser shaft to the sewer main.
All other pipework, internal drainage and stormwater is the responsibility of the owner.
If the damage has occurred to the sewer maintenance riser shaft, plumbing to the sewer main or the sewer main, Council may seek to recover costs of any repairs carried out.